hempstead valley therapy centre

Myth-Busting Reflexology

Myth-busting Some Common Misconceptions of Reflexology

Myth #1 “I’m sure it’s lovely for pampering but it surely doesn’t have any medical basis?”

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There have been thousands of research papers showing how reflexology has helped in so many illnesses and medical conditions. A quick search on this website will demonstrate this PubMed (nih.gov)
Recent studies have demonstrated that it can help with auto-immune illnesses (especially using a technique called Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage), migraines, pain, menopause symptoms, recovery from surgery, fertility issues, and depression/anxiety to name just a few. Juliette is fully trained and qualified in RLD.

Myth #2 “Surely someone touching my feet will make me ticklish? Plus I don’t want someone else to see my feet!”

Even if your feet become ticklish to light, floaty movements the techniques used in the treatment are fairly firm and you soon overcome the urge to giggle! As for your feet, the reflexologist will have seen every type of foot before seeing yours. All your medical information is confidential and so rest assured that no one will talk about your feet.

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Myth #3 That it might hurt me as my feet are sore

Some people will find that there will be tender patches on the feet, just by telling the reflexologist about this can then mean that they can adjust the pressure or use a gentler technique. Sore areas often correspond to a part of the body that is out of balance so will still need to be carefully worked on. So many people say that they are “walking on air afterward”.
People sometimes believe that reflexology is used only when your feet are sore. This isn’t the case at all. It can really help with sore feet but it a most wonderful ‘treat for your feet’ and for the rest of your body.
Reflexology is amazing for people of any age, any medical affliction, or none, and at helps to restore a little calm in this chaotic world.

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