While I am unable to see any patients due to the current COVID 19 crisis, I thought I would inform people of specific feet conditions and how to self-care.
The first condition is – ingrowing toenail.
An ingrown toenail is where your nail grows into the skin of your toe, usually your big toe.
Symptoms of an ingrown toenail include a painful and swollen toe. Your toenail may also curve into the side of your toe.
soak your foot in warm water 3 to 4 times a day for a few days – this softens the skin around your toe and stops the nail from growing into it
keep your foot dry for the rest of the day
wear wide, comfortable shoes or sandals
take paracetamol or ibuprofen to ease the pain
do not cut your toenail – leave it to grow out
do not pick at your toe or toenail
do not wear tight, pointy shoes
You will need to book an appointment with a foot specialist to discuss a future treatment plan.